Clover in the spring rain |
Happy Equinox! It was a great weekend to celebrate. Saturday, the official day of equinox and first day of spring according to the calendar, was a beautiful sunny day. Today, Monday, we have a proper spring rainstorm to water all the things I planted over the past week. I managed to get my vegetable garden ready. Some years I might already have asparagus and snap peas, but not this year. The daffodils are still going strong. It looks like the late season snow brought just the right moisture at the right time for them. The hazelnut, elderberry, and prairie roses I planted last fall seem to have survived and are sprouting leaves.
Alban Eilir Altar - C6FP Druid Grove |
I also planted plenty of intention into my life this equinox. I attended two lovely rituals, both of which involved planting seeds of intention and physical seeds as reminders. The first ritual, on Saturday, was with the
Druid Grove in a park. We stood in a field of henbit under a cauldron-shaped daytime moon and planted intentions of health and wellbeing and a safe return to in-person gathering. We sang and crossed the gateway of equal night and day into the part of the year where day exceeds night. Right before we closed, a Red Tail Hawk circled overhead around the moon as if responding to our calling the powers of the east "With the blessings of the Hawk of Dawn."
Labyrinth Temple Ostara Altar |
The other was at the
Labyrinth Temple in Oklahoma City on Sunday. They had a swap meet before the ritual where many treasures were recycled from gardens and closets. The ritual There were flower petals everywhere and the Green Man drummed the heartbeat of the springtime into the earth. I learned during this ritual that daydreaming during intention setting meditation in ritual can have unintended consequences. I came away from the day with a plan and a project I didn't have when I arrived!
It was a great weekend. I made some new friends, only got minimal mask-shaped sunburn, and have work to do for the future. The Wheel Turns!
I’m learning that the seeds we plant germinate at different times. For me, this is good. Still, remembering to tend the small tender long term ideas while the vivacious instant gratification projects demand notice is a constant juggle. I need a big pile of compost and a longer water hose. ;-). It’s gonna be a great year!